Work in progress

Why this photo? You will recognize it as the header of my blog. A blog which I only started this year and very much a work in progress.

Even so, it has already given me a profound sense of satisfaction and achievement. In no small part to everyone who reads it, comments on it and “like” it. After all these months, I still get a thrill when I wake up in the morning with “likes” in my email inbox.

It is amazing to be part of this community where everyone is encouraging, open and quick to offer suggestions and help. Thank you to you all!!


WPC : Achievement

4 thoughts on “Work in progress

  1. I only started my blog this year too, but I definitely share that feeling about the warmth and support of the (WordPress) blogging community. I’ve never blogged through any other platform…I wonder if they are all such a friendly bunch? Well done on a very readable blog, I always enjoy your posts. :o) (And those little orange notifications are always a joy to wake up to aren’t they!)

      1. Thank you. Me neither. Hollyhock – not just a pretty face! I am always amazed by the often surprising power and purpose of plants. I try to do posts on a plant theme on a Friday every 2-3 weeks. 🙂

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