It is in our hands

Oia sunset

Yesterday, I read the story of Eddie Jaku, a ninety-four year-old Holocaust survivor who spends his time nowadays sharing his story with visitors at the Sydney Jewish Museum. Twice he was sent to Auschwitz. The first time he escaped (undoing the floor boards of the train carriage) but he was not so lucky the second time. And yet, he survived through the unimaginable horrors of that dark chapter in human history.

What struck me most reading about him was this quote from him:

Happiness does not fall from the sky. It is in your hands

That somehow resonated with me. The more I thought about it, the more I came to the realization that there is a lot of truth in that one statement. So much of who we are is a choice.

Whatever life throws at us, we can still pursue happiness. We can do what we can, with what we have. And even when we have nothing. We can still choose happiness.

It is really in our hands.

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